Invest in your health and performance.

We only work with Members that demand their best, and our Members often remark that KUR Method is the best. We’re excited to welcome you to our approach, and together build a completely customized health strategy.

Discover the KUR Method advantage.

Dedicated Concierge

Every KUR Member enjoys direct, unlimited access to a dedicated Concierge, who reviews your health and performance daily and makes proactive recommendations and optimizations.

World Class Practitioners

Member’s health is reviewed by a dedicated, seasoned Practitioner Team that includes a Professional Athletic Trainer, Nutritionist, Psychologist and Doctor.

Unparalleled Personalization

KUR Method is completely customized based on a comprehensive physical and psychological survey; industry-leading genomic, functional, and nutritional testing; and ongoing Member feedback.

Performance Technology

Members track their health and performance with the same secure performance data manager used by professional sports teams and military organizations around the world.

Become a Member

KUR Membership is currently open for new applications. Please complete the form and our Membership team will reach out to discuss our approach further.